Thursday, February 17, 2011

New command: Hunt

Easy and fun! hunt (critter name)

You must use the WHOLE NAME. It will NOT tell you if you can't find the critter, you'll just run into something else. This triples your chances of running into the critter you want.


  1. Sweet, this makes it far less of a pain in the ass to play around with the critters <3.

  2. Enjoy! Note, you do need to be where you'd normally find the varmint.

  3. "the whole name" meaning that if you're hunting for gryphon, you have to type out "hunt hermaphrodite gryphon", because just plain "hunt gryphon" won't do? And likewise, it's gotta be "hunt latex fox" instead of just "hunt fox"?

  4. for some reason, it appears as if the harder challenges are, the more likely you are to succeed. During one game, I never failed a "difficult" challenge (for food or water), but failed at every single "easy" challenge.
    also, thank you for the addition of scavenging, it makes surviving a lot easier. however, food is obtained at an alarming rate, while water is almost never found, maybe you could make some kind of trader?

  5. You ask for it, you got it. Rod now accepts food for trade.
