Monday, July 2, 2012

June Bonus Hours

We've posted up the poll for the new set of bonus hours.  We've again got 6 this time, giving us the time to do a fair-sized project.  I do want to provide a little clarification on the options so people know what's what.

The creature options are for a new creature of that type.  With 6 hours, there should be time to give them something special. 
New heats: The game allows for infections to have a specialized heat, but most creatures use the default.  Time would be spent making a few more of these.
New M/M NPC: Time would be spent making another NPC who's after M/M fun only so players may have another option in their choice of gay lover. 
Dual form NPC: An NPC with two disparate infections and the player then chooses which final form (and thereby gender) they'll have.  The time would account largely for creating the NPC and its mechanics, and maybe a little fun, but it'd then be available to be expanded upon. 
Expand Hyena Gang: More content for the Hyena gang, with priority to completing the qiest I have with Grant. 
Stables Quest repair: Time spent repairing and updating the Stables content.  This will not fix everything, but work can be started at least. 
Expand Zephyr content: Content and missions for Zephyr, possibly leading to fun with Larissa. 
New engine content: Time spent porting/creating content for the new engine. 
Victory sex update: Improvements to player victory scenes for several creatures, adding them where missing, new variations and enhancing existing ones. 
Defeat sex update: Improvements to player defeat scenes for several creatures, adding them where missing, new variations and enhancing existing ones.

As a reminder, this is multiple choice.