Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Just got this new piece in from the talented Feralise over at FurAffinity. It's Septus the wolfman, scoring a touchdown out on the field. Having won the game for his team really got his blood pumping - and the anticipation of the game after-party with his wolfman mates and their cheerleaders diverted quite a bit to his crotch...

Writer For Hire Update:
The end of the month is near, so if you want to commission anything, now is the time to do it. We're just short of another bonus hour in the end of the month tally and a contribution will easily give an extra hour of writing to be voted for.

Wahn: I am currently totally free to write anything you might like - be it male, female or other - as an expansion of existing content or as something completely new. Your contributions will flow into my art fund, so there'll be an additional bit of eye-candy coming out of it somewhen in the future.

Of course Stripes as chief writer is also always ready to fulfill your wishes, plus the talented GentlemanB. Take your pick of writer, if you got any questions you can comment here or send a PM on the forum to any of us.