Monday, January 20, 2025

FS News - November+December 2024

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during November+December 2024.


Note: The new game file with the added content is available online in the FS Patreon right now, and will be made publicly available here on the blog come February.

We value anyone who contributes to keeping the game running. Besides getting the updated game earlier, further reward options include ingame bonus options available through Trixie, as well as potentially adding your choice of new character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Break Water Heist: Join Galaxite and the Naxozaazthur as they raid a stricken supply ship floundering off the coast. Much like the ruined trawler event, you can expect to find a tough fight waiting for you, along with another chance to impress the dragon brothers. In addition, some special content has been added for those of you with pure blooded Margay Taur or Knight infections. [Sundered-Dragon]
Cyn (Fever Dream/Hallucination/Limbo Fox): A new creature will reveal itself in a walk-in event to those above level 20, who are touched by madness in a new, abandoned area at the Fair called the Ghost Fair. This includes a slight body horror, eldritch themes, Player X female and future player X Herm content. For those that manage to befriend this elusive creature, they offer a number of services, like the ability to recycle some items into XP or a unique currency which can be traded for useful equipment. [JP]
Hazel: You can now introduce Hazel to the wonders of sex if you talk to her after her trip to the Museum. [Prometheus]
Point Nemo: In possibly one of, if not the largest event ever added to Flexible survival, you can now take another step on your path to ascension, meet your patron, and get a brief glimpse of other upcoming content. This event features six orgy scenes for herms and females centered around a bawdy crew of Pirate Sharks with some extra content based on whether or not your character is pregnant. Four potential four TF scenes, three of which are player exclusive and will change based on where or not you have both the Vore Predator and UB pred feats. As well as an NPC based M to F/H TF and sex scene. Several new characters have also been added, some of which are recruitable as priestesses and servants for your personal dragon cult. [Sundered-Dragon]
Signpost: An in game wiki of sorts outlining all of Voidsnaps' has been added to the swamps. It's a good place to browse if you're looking for a specific character or fetish! Only includes Voidsnaps content. Sorted by area! [Voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Zea Bat: The chip damage in the Zea Bat fight has been slightly reduced. [Sundered-Dragon]

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Loot Boxes: The lewd conclusion to the first act of Dragon Raider Galaxite, here you’ll learn more Galaxite and her plans, gain powerful new non-lethal weapons, durable armor for all shapes and sizes, along with some much overdue fun with a newly transformed Half-Dragon. Loot boxes also feature a chance for male and intersexed pure blooded Dragon Taur, Tiger Taur, Panther Taur, and Margay Taurs to knock up Galaxite with some unique variations based on whether or not you’re pregnant at the time. Meanwhile, female Dragon taur and Margay Taurs who have finished Ava’s story have their own unique interactions with her. [Sundered-Dragon]
Just rewards: Have a heart-to-heart with your patron, learn her designs for this world, discover the truth behind the presence, and choose whether to bend the knee to Tiamat in exchange for salvation. Or to forge a new path towards rebellion against the goddess along with her archangel and steal their power for yourself! Regardless of your eventual choice, the event offers new non-lethal weapons, armor, and items you might find useful on your travels. [Sundered-Dragon]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.