Monday, February 24, 2025

FS News - January+February 2025

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during January+February 2025.


Note: The new game file with the added content is available online in the FS Patreon right now, and will be made publicly available here on the blog come February.

We value anyone who contributes to keeping the game running. Besides getting the updated game earlier, further reward options include ingame bonus options available through Trixie, as well as potentially adding your choice of new character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


[Backers] Firbolgs: "And Act of Kindness" Journey through the city to find out about a mysterious group of giant-kin in the urban forest, be sure to make good impressions...
[Backers] Loot Boxes: Journey to secluded section of the beach, claim your share of the plunder from the Break Water Heist, and enjoy some much overdue fun with Galaxite. This event offers four possible sex scenes alongside a brief preview of content to come and new weapons and armor for players of all sizes. Pureblooded male and intersexed Dragontaurs, Panther Taurs, Tigertaurs, and Margay taurs can also have the chance to breed Galaxite with some unique text based. Pureblooded female Dragontaurs have their own special scene too, while female Margay Taurs who have completed Ava’s questline can knock Galaxite up as well.
As a reminder, this branch of Galaxite’s quest line can be started at level fifteen by hunting for the event, Holy Moly found at sewers. For those wishing to pursue the Dragon Breeder path, you will need to have a cunt, dominant feat, and be pregnant during the follow up event Beach Reunion and select the option: ‘Yes, you'd love to join her, but is there anything else she needs?’ when available. While the Dragontaur infection can be gained through the Another Researcher event at the library and the Margay taur from Ava at The Last Chance out in the Dry Plains which is discoverable through the Only the Lonely event. [Sundered-Dragon]
[Backers] Meredith: She gained some nice character art to show off her centaur body. [Wahn]
[Public] Break Water Heist: Join Galaxite and the Naxozaazthur as they raid a stricken supply ship floundering off the coast. Much like the ruined trawler event, you can expect to find a tough fight waiting for you, along with another chance to impress the dragon brothers. In addition, some special content has been added for those of you with pure blooded Margay Taur or Knight infections. [Sundered-Dragon]
[Public] Cyn (Fever Dream/Hallucination/Limbo Fox): A new creature will reveal itself in a walk-in event to those above level 20, who are touched by madness in a new, abandoned area at the Fair called the Ghost Fair. This includes a slight body horror, eldritch themes, Player X female and future player X Herm content. For those that manage to befriend this elusive creature, they offer a number of services, like the ability to recycle some items into XP or a unique currency which can be traded for useful equipment. [JP]
[Public] Hazel: You can now introduce Hazel to the wonders of sex if you talk to her after her trip to the Museum. [Prometheus]
[Public] Point Nemo: Found via walk-in event at the End of The Beach. In possibly one of, if not the largest event ever added to Flexible survival, you can now take another step on your path to ascension, meet your patron, and get a brief glimpse of other upcoming content. This event features six orgy scenes for herms and females centered around a bawdy crew of Pirate Sharks with some extra content based on whether or not your character is pregnant. Four potential four TF scenes, three of which are player exclusive and will change based on where or not you have both the Vore Predator and UB pred feats. As well as an NPC based M to F/H TF and sex scene. Several new characters have also been added, some of which are recruitable as priestesses and servants for your personal dragon cult. [Sundered-Dragon]
[Public] Signpost: An in game wiki of sorts outlining all of Voidsnaps' has been added to the swamps. It's a good place to browse if you're looking for a specific character or fetish! Only includes Voidsnaps content. Sorted by area! [Voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

[Public] Zea Bat: The chip damage in the Zea Bat fight has been slightly reduced. [Sundered-Dragon]

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Just rewards: Have a heart-to-heart with your patron, learn her designs for this world, discover the truth behind the presence, and choose whether to bend the knee to Tiamat in exchange for salvation. Or to forge a new path towards rebellion against the goddess along with her archangel and steal their power for yourself! Regardless of your eventual choice, the event offers new non-lethal weapons, armor, and items you might find useful on your travels. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Cult: Rally your spawn beneath the caverns of Pirate Island and forge your cult from the remnants of humanity, though what form it takes it up to you. Will, try to save as many people as you can while doing your best to preserve their humanity? Bend them to your voracious machinations, and wallow in your draconic splendor? Or shall you uplift them into Dragon Breeders and share your blessing with the masses? [Sundered-Dragon]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

Monday, January 20, 2025

FS News - November+December 2024

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during November+December 2024.


Note: The new game file with the added content is available online in the FS Patreon right now, and will be made publicly available here on the blog come February.

We value anyone who contributes to keeping the game running. Besides getting the updated game earlier, further reward options include ingame bonus options available through Trixie, as well as potentially adding your choice of new character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Break Water Heist: Join Galaxite and the Naxozaazthur as they raid a stricken supply ship floundering off the coast. Much like the ruined trawler event, you can expect to find a tough fight waiting for you, along with another chance to impress the dragon brothers. In addition, some special content has been added for those of you with pure blooded Margay Taur or Knight infections. [Sundered-Dragon]
Cyn (Fever Dream/Hallucination/Limbo Fox): A new creature will reveal itself in a walk-in event to those above level 20, who are touched by madness in a new, abandoned area at the Fair called the Ghost Fair. This includes a slight body horror, eldritch themes, Player X female and future player X Herm content. For those that manage to befriend this elusive creature, they offer a number of services, like the ability to recycle some items into XP or a unique currency which can be traded for useful equipment. [JP]
Hazel: You can now introduce Hazel to the wonders of sex if you talk to her after her trip to the Museum. [Prometheus]
Point Nemo: In possibly one of, if not the largest event ever added to Flexible survival, you can now take another step on your path to ascension, meet your patron, and get a brief glimpse of other upcoming content. This event features six orgy scenes for herms and females centered around a bawdy crew of Pirate Sharks with some extra content based on whether or not your character is pregnant. Four potential four TF scenes, three of which are player exclusive and will change based on where or not you have both the Vore Predator and UB pred feats. As well as an NPC based M to F/H TF and sex scene. Several new characters have also been added, some of which are recruitable as priestesses and servants for your personal dragon cult. [Sundered-Dragon]
Signpost: An in game wiki of sorts outlining all of Voidsnaps' has been added to the swamps. It's a good place to browse if you're looking for a specific character or fetish! Only includes Voidsnaps content. Sorted by area! [Voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Zea Bat: The chip damage in the Zea Bat fight has been slightly reduced. [Sundered-Dragon]

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Loot Boxes: The lewd conclusion to the first act of Dragon Raider Galaxite, here you’ll learn more Galaxite and her plans, gain powerful new non-lethal weapons, durable armor for all shapes and sizes, along with some much overdue fun with a newly transformed Half-Dragon. Loot boxes also feature a chance for male and intersexed pure blooded Dragon Taur, Tiger Taur, Panther Taur, and Margay Taurs to knock up Galaxite with some unique variations based on whether or not you’re pregnant at the time. Meanwhile, female Dragon taur and Margay Taurs who have finished Ava’s story have their own unique interactions with her. [Sundered-Dragon]
Just rewards: Have a heart-to-heart with your patron, learn her designs for this world, discover the truth behind the presence, and choose whether to bend the knee to Tiamat in exchange for salvation. Or to forge a new path towards rebellion against the goddess along with her archangel and steal their power for yourself! Regardless of your eventual choice, the event offers new non-lethal weapons, armor, and items you might find useful on your travels. [Sundered-Dragon]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

Monday, November 4, 2024

FS News - October 2024

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during October 2024.


Note: The new game file with the added content is available online in the FS Patreon right now, and will be made publicly available here on the blog come December.

We value anyone who contributes to keeping the game running. Besides getting the updated game earlier, further reward options include ingame bonus options available through Trixie, as well as potentially adding your choice of new character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Alistair (Noble Knight): You can now offer yourself to your knight. He'll take on the challenge of "training" you with gusto and show you some kinky exercises to make you a better knight (and lover). [Voidsnaps]
Alistair (Submissive Squire): You can now skip the sparring match with the demoted knight and see how he fares against 2 different forest creatures. Featuring a less corrupted version of a female dryad, a new male dryad, and wolves of both genders. You can change the gender of the monsters after the first choice by typing "Alistair Monster Gender" with debug running! [Voidsnaps]
Bastet: There is a new walk-in event for Bastet, if you've befriended her and she has been made aware of her cultists. This event ties in with Puppet Nightmares and explains Bastet's presence over there. [Wahn]
Fuckbot: New creature encounter in the High Rise District [Sun]
Furling: The furlings have been expanded to include special scenes for seduction victory over them, as compared to the existing fight victory. [Hallowtide + Wahn]
Vanessa: We've got new pictures of Vanessa's centaur shape, both normal and in a pregnant state. [Wahn]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Alistair: second introduction event that moves him to the Mystical Falls now has a 100% proc rate. Sorry about that folks! [Voidsnaps]
Argos: His name is now Argon. This is to prevent conflicts within the code. On the plus side, it's quite a Nobel name. Importing will automatically reset him, but he had bugs anyway, so those will be fixed at the same time! [Voidsnaps]
Colleen: Updated so that she doesn't use Blanche's conversation ending and added husky pictures for sane husky Colleen. [Prometheus]

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Dragon Breeders: Dragon Breeders can continue their evolution, screw pirates, learn more about their patron, and potentially make their first thralls in the upcoming event, Nier. While Non-Breeders can learn more about Galaxite and her flights in the follow up to the Ruined Trawler, The Break Water Heist. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Harem: Have you ever wanted to rail male feral dragons and make them lay eggs? You're in luck! There will also be a less robust version with the player laying eggs, for those with vaginas and no penis.[voidsnaps]
Fire: A brand new character, focused around CTF with some vore potentially down the pipeline! [Shiru]
Kal Ren and Janaz: Expanding interactions with Janaz. [voidsnaps]
Swamp storyline: More planned down the road, including incestuous fun with the frog brothers (with a little convincing...) if you saved them from their captor, helping Riker train them if you betrayed the frog boys, and treating Riker as your sex slave. [voidsnaps] (may take a few months to come to fruition!)
Wasp Hive Expansion: Getting to know Ziix and Zant more. And rebuilding the hive as the wasp king. [voidsnaps]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Here's one of the new pictures that were added to the game this time:

Sunday, October 6, 2024

FS News - August+September 2024


Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during August+September 2024.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Dragon Harem: A questline to tame feral dragons. Help Soot capture them before they wreak havoc on your world! With sexy results (The dragons are male. 2 out of 4 curently available.) [Voidsnaps]
Husky Statue: A follow-up to the Shipping Container event, you can now encounter a positively paralyzing TF while exploring outside! Includes a bad end, too. [Shiru]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Argos's Antiques: Another fix so that it's navigable again. [Voidsnaps]
Bastet: Some of her scenes were lacking the sex aftermath tracking, meaning there would be no viriginities lost with her. This has been fixed. [Wahn]
Frost Drake: Found an unconnected sex scene for the frost drake (riding their dick). Connected it. Scene still by crimsonash. Not further edited or anything. [Voidsnaps]
Sturm: The images for Sturm should now properly display ingame. [Wahn]

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Alistair Expansion: Further domination content involving the knight hunk. [voidsnaps]
Dragon Breeders: Dragon Breeders can continue their evolution, screw pirates, learn more about their patron, and potentially make their first thralls in the upcoming event, Nier. While Non-Breeders can learn more about Galaxite and her flights in the follow up to the Ruined Trawler, The Break Water Heist. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Harem: Have you ever wanted to rail male feral dragons and make them lay eggs? You're in luck! There will also be a less robust version with the player laying eggs, for those with vaginas and no penis.[voidsnaps]
Fire: A brand new character, focused around CTF with some vore potentially down the pipeline! [Shiru]
Kal Ren and Janaz: Expanding interactions with Janaz. [voidsnaps]
Swamp storyline: More planned down the road, including incestuous fun with the frog brothers (with a little convincing...) if you saved them from their captor, helping Riker train them if you betrayed the frog boys, and treating Riker as your sex slave. [voidsnaps] (may take a few months to come to fruition!)
Wasp Hive Expansion: Getting to know Ziix and Zant more. And rebuilding the hive as the wasp king. [voidsnaps]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

Monday, August 19, 2024

FS News - July 2024

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during July 2024.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.


Dragon Raider Galaxite: The Ruined Trawler Events are now active. Female and Herm Dragon Breeders can acces this via walk in from the Wild Fringes. While Non-Breeders can hunt for it like normal. [Sundered-Dragon]
Ozeg: New rimming scene! [voidsnaps]
Swamps: A new creature stalks the swamps. A sweaty bear looking for a fight. Help him cooldown after his workout? [voidsnaps]
Swamps: Continuing the Ignacio storyline, featuring Riker. Several bad ends, and the start of a few paths. [voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Ava’s Pregnancy: Walk in events have had their encounter chances set to one hundred percent. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Breeder: In order to help researchers keep their breeder body’s Dragon Breeder Milk and Cum items are now infectious. To obtain some use the commands: Milk me or Paw off. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dwarf Scavenger: Can now impregnate, take virginities, and lower player libido during sex scenes. [Originally content by Gherod, fixes by Voidsnaps.]
Riker: Quest countdown fix (You will no longer get a warning about losing the frog brothers every turn after completing what's there.) [voidsnaps]
Swamps: The flooded mezzanine now shows up on the nav list! [voidsnaps]

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Alistair Expansion: Further domination content involving the knight hunk. [voidsnaps]
Dragon Breeders: Dragon Breeders can continue their evolution, screw pirates, learn more about their patron, and potentially make their first thralls in the upcoming event, Nier. While Non-Breeders can learn more about Galaxite and her flights in the follow up to the Ruined Trawler, The Break Water Heist. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Harem: Have you ever wanted to rail male feral dragons and make them lay eggs? You're in luck! There will also be a less robust version with the player laying eggs, for those with vaginas and no penis.[voidsnaps]
Kal Ren and Janaz: Expanding interactions with Janaz. [voidsnaps]
Swamp storyline: More planned down the road, including incestuous fun with the frog brothers (with a little convincing...) if you saved them from their captor, helping Riker train them if you betrayed the frog boys, and treating Riker as your sex slave. [voidsnaps] (may take a few months to come to fruition!)
Wasp Hive Expansion: Getting to know Ziix and Zant more. And rebuilding the hive as the wasp king. [voidsnaps]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

FS News - June 2024

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during June 2024.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Beach Reunion: The follow up event to Holy Moly, this event can be found at the beach where you’ll learn Galaxite’s plans to plunder the city with the help of their many draconic children. Or take on the mantle of the Dragon Breeder, build your own flight, create kobolds to serve you, and potentially pull off the biggest steal of the apocalypse. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Breeder: Obtainable via the Beach Reunion event and available only to gravid females and herms with the dominant feat, this new evolving form, though powerful, comes with a few strings attached. Can you manage your draconic urges? Do you have what it takes to break a god? [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Pearl: A key item in the Dragon Breeder story arc, this item is one of a kind and serves as the sole source of the Dragon Breeder infection. [Sundered-Dragon]
Dragon Raider Galaxite: First hinted at in Only the Lonely, a preview of this new story is now ready for your enjoyment. [Sundered-Dragon]
Hazel: Hazel has grown tired of just spending her time in the library. After more than a little convincing, she manages to convince Vanessa, Meredith, and Gwen to accompany her to the museum. Some things, however, cannot be planned for... [Prometheus]
Holy Moly: The kick for this new arc, starting in the sewers once your character has reached level fifteen, you’ll have a chance to save them from a tentacular fate, or leave them and see what happens.
Sascha: You can now ask him for oral in the mansion. [Voidsnaps]
Snapjaw: Added variations to his dialogue when asked about his superstrength, and he will now cycle between three different workout scenes upon walking into his side of the beach camp. [Gherod]
Sturm: Sturm has some new character art, courtesy of Sundered Dragon and Gherod! [Prometheus]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Bug Fix: Thanks to some help from emerald, it should no longer be possible to accidentally wander into the Last Chance.

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Blanche/Sturm: Continuation of the multiple ways in which they can spend time together. [Prometheus]
Fang/Altus: Scenes of the wolf and the gryphon together. [Prometheus]
Void: Expansions to the swamp, including further exploration of Ignacio and Matteo (some of which is noncon!). Also POSSIBLY (not set in stone) a storyline to take advantage of some feral dragons near the dam. [Voidsnaps]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here's an example of the new ingame artwork:

Sunday, June 16, 2024

FS News - May 2024

Hi everyone, this is Wahn again with the Flexible Survival News for what was written/added during May 2024.


For those who want to support further development of Flexible Survival, we do have a Patreon set up. Reward options include voting on polls for choosing content additions, as well as character artwork or even added content of your choice every month.


As a security in case anything might happen to the FS Patreon account, we now also have a Subscribestar account. If you want to support further development of Flexible Survival, why not become a subscriber there.

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Ava and Alp 69: Belated seasons greeting eager breeders, despite some setbacks, Ava’s pregnancy quest is now more or less complete though a few changes had to be made to get the content to play nice with Inform. For starters, the event Breeding Materials has undergone a slight rework. By request, you will no longer be required to have the Vore Pred feat to view some of the special scenes with Dr. Medea. Unfortunately, the parasite turn in event chain has been cut due to issues with inform, in addition the item requirements have been removed. This has also necessitated a reset in the Alp 69 event to ensure the following content works as intended. If you have already done so in the last update, you’ll need to do so again to view the rest of the quest chain. [Sundered-Dragon]
Ava’s sex scene changes: Completing Ava’s preg quest will unlock four new sex scenes with Ava that change based on whether or not she’s pregnant and how far along she is. Her old stuff will be locked out at this point, though this may be subject to change depending on player feedback. [Sundered-Dragon]
Baby photo: Available only to good kittens after they’ve bred Ava four times, beyond providing a tiny sanity boost. This item is little more than a piece of charming fluff. [Sundered-Dragon]
Baby Pictures: A sweet scene for the good kitties among you, awards you with a picture of your fourth litter and their mother. Don’t lose it though, you’ll only get one. [Sundered-Dragon]
Cuddle Puddle: An interesting vignette for the naughty kittens where Kathy plays babysitter for your little ones, surely nothing can go wrong with her watching over them in Drake and Ava’s stead. [Sundered-Dragon]
Drake: The big man now has art of his human and leonine forms created by the very talented Gherodv. [Sundered-Dragon]
Good kitty meets her kids: A walk-in event for those of you who’ve helped Drake out and respected his desire to remain ‘human’, will find the old man has taken a shine to his grandkids and has begun training them to better assist you in combat. [Sundered-Dragon]
Industrial canning facility: Found in the warehouse district, this event had to undergo a minor rewrite to bring it in line with the overall tone of FS. That said, gravid female Margay taurs with exceptionally large families may find the guardians of this place rather amenable to their presence, if they choose to negotiate with them. [Sundered-Dragon]
Lazaros: If you come to his camp during the night you might learn something new about him! [Voidsnaps]
Naughty kitten greets their brood: To those of you who’ve never helped Drake or transformed him against his will, this alternative walk-in event will play when you meet your first litter with Ava. [Sundered-Dragon]
Open Floodgates and Unlimited Taurs: The penultimate walk-in scenes for Ava’s preg quest are now active. Completing these will forever alter the Margay taur infection, allowing you and Ava to breed. Please be aware, due to the way the pregnancy code is structured, that Ava is not guaranteed to impregnate your character. Ava though is hyper fertile and will always give birth to eight kittens every twenty-nine turns after you’ve knocked her up. [Sundered-Dragon]
Rucksack: An article of useful size five clothing which is obtainable via the industrial canning facility event, though only if you have the cash to pay for it, or if you have a sufficiently large brood. [Sundered-Dragon]
Sandy: The mindbroken mare can now be used (if the Thomas's storyline is at the very start), or brought back to her senses for some slightly less nonconsensual fun! Currently a variant for centaurs for one of the scenes. Possibly will be expanded to the others. [Voidsnaps]

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Bug Fix: Thanks to some help from emerald, it should no longer be possible to accidentally wander into the Last Chance.

 Upcoming/In the Works

These are projects and commissions that our writers are committed to, something for you to look forward for the future.

Blanche/Sturm: Continuation of the multiple ways in which they can spend time together. [Prometheus]
Fang/Altus: Scenes of the wolf and the gryphon together. [Prometheus]
Hazel: A visit to the museum, with the possibility of loot. (Assuming Valerie doesn't add you to the exhibits.) [Prometheus]
Void: Expansions to the swamp, including further exploration of Ignacio and Matteo (some of which is noncon!). Also POSSIBLY (not set in stone) a storyline to take advantage of some feral dragons near the dam. [Voidsnaps]

Recruitment Drive

If you do want to join up and contribute writing, editing, programming or artwork, please do visit the FS Discord here and contact me. 
Note: We now also have someone doing coding support for those who just want to write, so you won't have to worry about that side of things too much if you can't wrap your head around it.

Writer for Hire / Commissions

Thanks to our new and greatly increased number of writers, we are even more ready than before to fulfill any wishes for new content specific to your desires. If you are interested in commissioning us, please do contact me on the FS Discord - then we can find the right writer for your project. The going rate for hired writing is 15$/hour.

FS Artwork

Here's an example of the new ingame artwork: