Saturday, July 27, 2013

Newest Updates

Here's the newest game updates of the past week:

Stuff by Stripes:
Tyr: More sex options, this time oral sex. As well, the M/M anal stuff is now progressive, eventually unlocking new options as he becomes more willing.
Leon: M/M bondage scenes with optional BDSM content. This is a warm-up for more BDSM stuff elsewhere.
Elk: Chosen for the bonus hours, this rutting male can be found in the RLD area. The player victory scenes are still to come.
Naga and Flaming Lynx: These two now have proper endings. They were written by a fan, with some editing and expansion by Stripes in a few spots.
Capitol Bldg: This area can once again be hunted for directly as an alternative to using the event. The event will eventually be phased out entirely, merged into your first visit to the area.

Stuff by GentlemanB:
Tehuantl: The lovely jaguar-woman you can bring into the upper floor of the library got updated with new and interesting sex scenes - and there are even more on the way...

Stuff by Wahn:
Viking: More content was commissioned for Sonya, the Viking you can meet on the beach - by spending a lot of time with her in after-combat-sex or knocking her up, you will draw the attention of the other Vikings, causing her father to call you out for a deadly duel. Victory will earn you Sonya's hand in marriage, to be celebrated on the Viking ship. 
Farm: Built in part with last month's bonus hours on my side, the Farm is a new area in the dry plains, kind of safe haven with NPCs (currently 5, three of whom have sex scenes) and quests (two easy ones so far). Starting point to finding your way there is the Cow Hunting event in the dry plains.
Cowboy Cuntboy: New NPC/infection for the farm (or the dry plains, if you pick a fight with him) No need to fight to get the infection though - be friendly and you can milk the NPC and get it that way too.
Shadow Beast Endings: Same as with the Naga and Lynx above, these were written by a fan (thank you!), and then (after some editing and expansion) added in to UrsaOmega's sexy feline by myself.
Amy: After some re-writing, she should now become far less immature if you give her a few days in the library to read books and learn. All her scenes got a going-over to reflect that too.

Writer for Hire Update:
  • Various NPC (12/14) - Stripes
  • Artemis/Leonard: (3.75/7.25) - Stripes
  • M/M BDSM (3/8) - Stripes
  • Bonus Hrs: Elk (4.5/6) - Stripes
As the end of the month is drawing near with its final tally for the bonus hours, if you want anything commissioned, this is the time to strike... Stripes will likely soon finish what projects he has open and I'm totally free for new ones.

The rate is 15$ for one hour of writing done on your project, either by Stripes or me. If you got any questions, contact the one you'd like to commission by PM on the forum.